WCS Case Question Review
Join me for Three hours of practice WCS case questions. Each one-hour session will discuss the thought process behind answering the questions presented. These discussions are not intended to be a comprehensive review or coverage of topics. The primary goal is to experience the thought process and have some practice with case questions at the analysis and synthesis level of questioning. Develop sharp test-taking skills with practice questions and discussion on the thought process behind the answer. Approaching questions correctly is essential to identifying the correct answer, even if you know the material.
Video recordings are approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes each (total of 3 ½ hrs).
Each program includes PDF with questions to be discussed without answers so you can test yourself before listening to the recording and PDF of answers, thought process, and references.
Topics cover 89% of the test.
- Session one – Obstetrics and Orthopedics – 38% of the test
- 16 questions
- Mining the data – how to get the most out of reading case vignette
- Session two – Bladder and Bowel – 20% of the test
- 15 questions
- Session 3 – Pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction – 31% of the test
- 16 questions
- Test taking skills
3 ½ hours – $195 value for $175
Pre-requisite suggestion
Participants are encouraged to complete “How to read and answer WCS test questions – Step three”
Give yourself the best chance of passing the first time.